Absurd and absurdly amazing day...
My favorite admit of my (short) admissions career, a fellow jazz enthusiast, and I were able to catch up and experience the celestine adventure of a garage sale treasure discovery: jazz and trumpet music books. So wonderful to see a motivated and turned on student who has endless potential and excitement to learn. And then to hear him giggle over some awesome big band jazz!
During a magical musical moment, the yin hands me this fortune: "Your problems become your stepping stone. capture the moment." and its so true if only amended to say "capture AND RELEASE the moment." Difficult to do with such incredulous musical moments, and the wisdom of an Octogenarian coinciding with blissful discoveries of my own.
Jimmy Heath performed at the William Paterson Jazz Room this lovely cloudless 73 degree Oct 21st. He spouted off such wisdom as:
"I relate to the students....I find myself learning from THEM. You never stop learning and as soon as you think you know everything, your journey has ended...as long as you have that thirst, you are going to develop..."
Musical profoundity: "Charlie Parker reinterpreted the language of jazz, changed the vocabulary." Something we all should do but, instead of jazz, sub in "life."
The man is tiny, all of 4 ft 11 inches most likely, and quite the comedian:
"When you hear someone playing your music, it touches your heart- and it may touch your pocketbook!"
"I got outta high school and said 'I'm gunna play jazz'... I wasn't big enough to play football, basketball, baseball...I'm the size of a jocket, and I'm AFRAID of horses!"
Imagine this said with absolutely perfect comic delivery and timing.
And all of this musical wonderfulness sandwiched between
the most speechless of days
Again, bliss is all I could possibly say to even begin to explain the very something
that has no explanation.
..this is a story of found happiness...
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Super Jazzy Sunday
7:24 PM
Labels: celebrate life, education, harmony/synchronicity, live music, philosophy, quotes, special
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