..this is a story of found happiness...

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Dear Steve Jobs...

Dear Steve Jobs,

I am sending you this picture of me to show you just how much I love the MacBook Pro. If I wasn't in Panera right now (where they make the biggest if not best and foamiest cappuccino), this might be a picture of me in...er, planting wet kisses on the screen. Without it, I may not have be quite so happy for the past month. WOW, has it only been a month? Seems like I can hardly remember life before this beautiful little machine.

I hesitate as I compose this letter, worried about what it says about me that a computer has so positively impacted my life. But I toss that aside when I realize that I've been able to achieve some very real freedoms as a result of this computer, and, for me and my life, freedom is the thing to live by, the rule of thumb, the feeling I seek in nearly all aspects of life.

So as I sit here at a Panera - gosh I do love Panera for allowing me this wireless connectivity - and I listen to Coltrane, reading, emailing friends and family, sharing and keeping in touch, watching DVDs, catching up on work, I am reflecting on the life enhancement that this mac product has provided. Like my IPOD, it brings me ambiance wherever I may find myself. Thats another mac creation I need to thank you for. Really, in the hectic and always different lifestyle of a college recruiter, this machine has made it possible for me to balance my work and personal lives in a way that satisfies me entirely.

I have lots of ideas for enhancements to your products should you be interested. Thats another thing this computer has done: kept my brain juices flowing. When I'm feeling fried, I can relax and watch a DVD. When I'm feeling productive, the internet and other creative tools are at my fingertips and on my lap. There is no "waiting until I get home (when I'm too tired or lacking momentum)."

So thank you, and keep up the good work.

Loyal Mac User

p.s. And thanks for making the pro so goddamn sexy. Everyone around me with their silly IBMs and Dells is drooling. No joke.

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