..this is a story of found happiness...

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Rose's Soliloquy

"Life exists in vulnerability, it exists in danger, insecurity. There is no security, and there cannot be...The higher the quality of life, the more fragile. Look at a rose, look at a poem, look at a song, look at music -- it vibrates for a second and then is gone! Look at love: One moment it is there, next moment it is not...So there is nothing wrong with vulnerability; it is understanding how life is...So just learn to accept your vulnerability, and then there will be a very deep understanding and a deep flow of energy..."

"Be positive and enjoy more...be more cheerful, enthusiastic about small things...Life consists of small things, but if you can bring the quality of cheerfulness to small things, the total will be tremendous. So don't wait for anything great to happen. Great things do happen...but don't wait for the something great to happen. It happens only when you start living small, ordinary, day to day things with a new mind, with a new freshness, with a new vitality...One has just to go on collecting pebbles on the shore...There are a many people in the world who miss because they are always waiting for something great. It can't happen. It happens only through small things: eating your breakfast, walking, taking a bath, talking to a friend, just sitting alone looking at the sky or lying on your bed doing nothing. These small things are what life is made of. They are the very stuff of life."


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