..this is a story of found happiness...

Sunday, October 7, 2007

more than ever imagined..

"If two persons are really respectful - and love is always respectful, it reveres the other...then slowly, slowly you will understand each other more and more and you will become aware of the other's rhythm and your rhythm. And soon you will find that out of love, out of respect, your rhythms are coming closer and closer. When you feel loving, she feels loving; this settles. This settles on its own, it is a synchronicity.
...Stupid people do just the opposite. They never leave each other alone - they are constantly with each other, tiring and boring each other, never leaving any space for the other to be (and to grow!!).
Love gives freedom and love helps the other to be himself or herself.

You love, but your love gives freedom - and, when you give freedom to the other, you are free. Only in freedom does your soul grow. You will feel very, very happy
Love is a very paradoxical phenomenon. ...In another way it gives you individuality; uniqueness. It helps you to drop your small selves but it also helps you to attain to the supreme self. Then there is no problem: Love and meditation are two wings, and they balance each other. And between the two (love and meditation) you grow; between the two you become whole.

Osho: Love, Freedom, Aloneness

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