..this is a story of found happiness...

Monday, October 8, 2007


I'm not sure what is more amazing about all this: the fact that I am de-defining and rethinking the constructs society tries to force upon you, or the idea that I'm actually able to live according to my new definitions, many of which I had already created and had abandoned as idealistic dreaming.
We live in a society, with already defined norms; this society that almost seems to tell us how to conduct our lives should we choose to participate in one of its institutions - education (read a lot, memorize, take the test, succeed, finish your education -ha! you never finish!), family, marriage.
My problem and hesitation in "relationships," for example, is to be blamed on society's definition and experience; all that "should"...what it is "supposed" to mean, be, and what role it needs to take in your life. But I get to make "relationship" whatever I want in my own life. Just like marriage, and education, if I assign my own meaning, role, significance, priority, understanding to the concept, then in my reality, that is what it is. I have that freedom.
In all seriousness and in general, don't make your choice to want or not want, like or dislike something based on what that thing's popular perception and definition has always been. Deconstruct, undefine, and redefine when ready. You decide what the experiences in your life are able to become, to signify, and to impact.
The extra wonderful part is having someone in my life who understands this idea of dedefinition as well as they understand (and often agree with!) what it is I'd like to avoid and also to live out. A person who, like me, questions and critically thinks the institutions as well as more abstract concepts in general. Their ability to think on all these different levels will continue to stimulate my thinking joyfully.

Still a little bit of your song in my ear
Still a little bit of your words I long to hear...
It's not hard to grow
When you know that you just don't know
-Damien Rice, Cannonball

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