..this is a story of found happiness...

Monday, October 1, 2007

Purpose of Education...

"Transfer of knowledge, according to Makiguchi is not and can never be the purpose of education. The purpose of education is, rather, to guide the learning process and to put the responsibility of learning into the student's own hands...Teachers, he insisted, must leave fact-finding to books and assume a supporting role to the students own learning experience. Teachers must choose between force-feeding students and guiding them in their own efforts at self-enlightenment. Teachers must decide if they are to be organizers of information or arousers of students' natural interest and curiosity. What teachers decide about this, Makiguchi believed, would be the single most important factor in reforming the educational system and, beyond that, in changing the entire conception of the how of education."

...from "Education for Creative Living" by Makiguchi...

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