..this is a story of found happiness...

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Railroad Earth at Mexicali Blues

magi-cally mexi-cali once again...

nothing less than a spiritual experience,
my heart ripped out
painted on beautifully
and put back in
to restore rejuvenate revitalize and remind me
what this is all
all about

Mexicali Blues
February 1st, 2008

Set I:

Peggy o
Magic foot
Luxury liner
Came up smilin
Bowling Green
Any road
Good life
Mess (out of body experience)

Set II:

Peace on Earth
Seven Story Mountain (epic)
Sing for me
Mission Man
Walk on by
Butterfly and the Tree (played literally from MY request!!)
Crossing the Gap


For Love
Ragtime Annie Lee (quite possibly FASTER this time!)

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