..this is a story of found happiness...

Thursday, February 7, 2008

questions, answers, existence: for discussion

"There is no answer. There are only two ways for the mind to be: full of questions and empty of questions.

Maturity is coming to a point where you can live without answers; that is what maturity is. And to live without answers is the greatest and most courageous act. Then you are no longer a child. A child goes on asking questions, wanting answers for everything. A child believes that if he can formulate a question, there must be an answer, there must be somebody to supply the answer.
...You think that because you can formulate a question, there is bound to be an answer; maybe you don't know it, but somebody must know the answer, and some day, you will be able to discover it. That's not so. All questions are man-created, manufactured by man.
Existence has no answer. Existence is there, with no answers, completely silent. If you can drop all questions, a communication happens between you and existence. The moment you drop questions, you drop philosophy, you drop theology, you drop logic, and you start living. You become existential. When there are no questions, that state itself is the answer."
-Osho, Everyday Osho

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