..this is a story of found happiness...

Thursday, February 7, 2008


"...we must admit that learning plays an integral role in our daily lives. A life without learning is a life groping in the dark. At the same time, learning divorced from life is a empty theory. We must check our knowledge against our own experience, especially if we ourselves are not the source of the knowledge. Somewhere we must make the intuitive leap, shifting our eyes from scant details of immediate familiarity to a more comprehensive picture. It is doubtful how much actual learning could take place through mere restructuring of what we already know. Learning always implies an element of new experience. Other our mental activities are bounded by the limits of memory, never to exceed them. We must keep ourselves open to new explanations and new experience if we are truly to live and learn...
...This is perhaps the greatest paradox: We must relive our experience under changing circumstances in order to really know we have grasped the constant truth of it; we must reexperience things differently to fully fathom why they always happen the same way."
-Makiguchi, Education for Creative Living

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