..this is a story of found happiness...

Monday, February 4, 2008


Dear (youknowwhoyouare),
I hope you read this, and the entry before this...

"Generally people are not even that fortunate. Their whole life passes and the sun never rises, the morning never comes in their lives...
Life is a vast treasure trove, but we do nothing with it except waste it, lose it, squander it. Even before knowing what life is, we have discarded it. Life is dissipated without experiencing what was hidden in it - what secret, what mystery, what paradise, what bliss, what liberation...
I want to say a few things about the treasures of life. But it is very difficult for those who have already taken them to be pebbles to open their eyes and see that they are diamonds...But no matter how much treasure has been lost, if even a single moment of life remains, something can be salvaged. Something can still be known...it is never so late that one has to feel despair...
The first thing: We have created such viewpoints about life, we have established such ideas about life, we have raised such philosophies about life that we are deprived of seeing the truth of life. We have already concluded what life is...without any realization of our own. We have understood only some predecided, preconceived idea about life...we have been taught only one thing repeatedly...:life is meaningless, life is futile, life is a suffering, life is only worth renouncing...Because of this, life has begun to be a suffering and to seem futile. Because of this, life has lost all joy, all love, all beauty...
If you have accepted that life is ugly, why would you search for beauty in it?...what sense remains in trying to decorate it, in trying to cleanse it and refine it, to beautify it?...
...And the point is not only that we could have beautified where we were staying, that we could have created a loving milieu, that we could have sung a song of joy where we were staying. The point is that the one who sings a song of joy has opened the possibility for more joy in himself. The one who beautifies the house has attained the capacity for finding greater beauty...
We are formed by what we do...What we are doing in life decides the directions our soul will travel, the paths it will move on, the new worlds it will explore...
how you experience life depends on how you look at it. If life seems to be dark and miserable it is because of your wrong way in living it. This very life can become a shower of blissfulness if only you know the right way to live it."

"We can't cure the world of sorrows but we can choose to live in joy"
-Joseph Campbell

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