..this is a story of found happiness...

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Watch as the idealist locutioneers prove it can be done
"You have to unburden yourself of all the theories, hypothesizes, philosophies, and ideologies that you have learned. The process of achieving the truth is a process of unlearning, it is a process of unconditioning...
When one can just watch without any judgment interfering, without any old ideas coming in, then truth is revealed. And the miracle is that it does not come from somewhere else to you, it does not descend from above; it is found within you -- it is your intrinsic nature. It is really a great revelation to know truth, because you are it and you have never lost it -- even for a single moment. You have always been it...
"Just create more and more understanding. That's what lovers miss: They have enough love, but understanding, none, none at all...Love cannot live without understanding. Alone, love is very foolish; with understanding, love can live a long life, a great life -- of many joys shared, of many beautiful moments shared, of great poetic experiences. But that only happens through understanding.
"...love accepts you. It makes no demands on you. Love does not say, "Be this, be that." Love simply says, "Be yourself. You are good as you are. You are beautiful as you are." Love accepts you. Suddenly you start dropping your ideals, "shoulds," personalities. You drop your old skin...love makes people young...Love can be the right situation in which to drop all conditioning. Love is an unconditioning. It simply takes away old patterns and does not give you new ones. If it gives you new ones, it is not love, but politics."
-Osho, excerpts from Everyday Osho

"Risk is there. If you become true, nobody knows whether this relationship will be capable of understanding truth, authenticity; whether this relationship will be strong enough to stand in the storm. There is risk, and because of it, people remain very guarded. They say things which should be said; they do things which should be done. Love becomes more or less like a duty...For the miracle to happen you will have to do something, and that is start being true, at the risk that maybe the relationship is not strong enough and may not be able to bear it. The truth may be too much, unbearable, but then that relationship is not worthwhile. So that test has to be passed. Once you are true, everything else becomes possible..So don't be afraid, go into it. If the relationship survives truth, it will be beautiful. If it dies, then too it is good because one false relationship has ended, and now you will be more capable of moving into another relationship -- truer, more solid, more concerning the essence."

-Osho, "Being in Love..."

still rewriting this dictionary...

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