..this is a story of found happiness...

Saturday, March 8, 2008

musical discourse...

"so, the point...is that it is a musical embodiment of a philosophy of 'now'"
(thanks pete)

many times an awesome jam totally brings you into that moment so you have no time or inclination to be expecting anything more than the beautifully evolving now.
and many times the song is played very differently...wherever the spirit of the music takes the band that night....another wonderful thing in itself...and also another way in which they bring you into the present...not living in the past with how the song has been played and what the audience may be expecting from those past performances...totally creating something new, innovating on the spot with brilliance...
sometimes that build up feels like amazing foreplay...who needs to go all the way to that climax when you are savoring the anticipatory teasing brings more satisfaction?

"the music plays the band"
-the music never stopped, Grateful Dead

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