..this is a story of found happiness...

Thursday, March 6, 2008

great speech

This blog quotes all the same things I mention...and is awesome anyway :)

"Creativity is just as important...in education...as literacy."

"We are being educated out of our creatvity."

"Suddenly, degrees aren't worth anything."

Ken Robinson covers a number of subjects, touching upon the shifting of the educational system and necessary changes we need to make in the awareness of our changing humanity:"rethink the fundamental principles upon which our education system is based."

He also gets into the idea that its not all about academic ability, but so many brilliant, creative people end up feeling 'less than' just because their academic ability, which forms much of their self-image in their most impressionable years, falls short.

And he alludes to the idea of letting people be who they are instead of conforming them for the purposes of a uniform education. The kid can't sit still? Don't medicate them...encourage that energy for sports or dance or movement related expertise...Stop stifling natural talents and predilections and looking to measure everyone on the same yardstick...Human potential is unlimited so why wouldn't personalities, interests, and talents be unlimited and varied proportionately?

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