..this is a story of found happiness...

Saturday, September 22, 2007

No words...

The daylily is called such because it only blooms for one day, forcing you to appreciate its beauty that moment. A valuable lesson can be learned there, like many that nature pass along to the inferior human race. Be grateful for each day you are given, and take time to appreciate the beautiful simplicity of the moment.

"Love is wild, and the moment one tries to domesticate it, it is destroyed. Love is a whirlwind of freedom, of wildness, of spontaneity.

...If it is possible, live an experience and don't fix it with any words, because that will make it narrow.

You are sitting..it is a silent evening. The sun has gone, and the stars have started appearing. Just be. Don' even say, "This is beautiful," because the moment you say that it is beautiful, it is no longer the same. By saying beautiful, you are bringing it in the past, and all the experiences that you said were beautiful have colored the word.

Why bring in the past? The present is so vast, and the past is so narrow. Why look from a hole in the wall when you can come out and look at the whole sky?

So try not to use words, but if you have to, then be very choosy about them, because each word has a nuance of its own. So be poetic about it.


...at this rate, I'm going to have to invent new words; possibly an original alphabet is called for?
In all seriousness and in general, don't make your choice to want or not want, like or dislike something based on what that thing's popular perception and definition has always been. Deconstruct, undefine, and redefine when ready. You decide what the experiences in your life are able to become, to signify, and to impact.

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