..this is a story of found happiness...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Birthday Moon Show! Noooo not that kind! {110:365}

My aunt emailed to tell me this only happens once every hundred years, a lunar eclipse on my birthday. The last one was in 1638, apparently! The moon decided to 'go all out' (ooh so bad I'm sorry!) for the big 2-7!
I attempted some shots to document this rare event, but I'm only working with the entry level 75-300 canon zoom so I wasn't expecting much. That said, I'm pleasantly surprised, for what I've got!

But it made me feel pretty special, and as I stood there, I remarked "Man, it really is my year, huh?" to which Andy replied "Which? The one ending or the one you are starting?"
It made me really stop and think, and here's what I've concluded. I'm gunna get greedy and say, "both!" because really, I get to choose. I get to make the decisions that will continue the amazingness trend from this year to the next. And I'm blessed to be able to do so.

Thanks dps for the tips on how to make this happen!

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