So I had an IM chat today of epic philosophical proportion that was quite the mirror facing a mirror. The discussion's topic itself was of that very idea of the cyclical nature of EVERYTHING, and then how that reflects my own life experience is mind blowing.
Here is how it went:
Yang, "what does humanity's progress curve look far as advancement and people like you and I think about all the ways productive thought it being stifled these days...the ways people distract themselves from really thinking...back in the old days when there was no tv/entertainment...when mathematicians and philosophers made all their advances because that was all there was to DO...SIT AROUND AND they developed all these crazy theories and plus back then most of it was original when we make advances they are built on that foundation so NOT AS MUCH HAS TO BE CREATED FROM SCRATCH, btu advances are still profound bc we're so far along so the material theories and ideas we are starting with are already so when we do make steps forward, they are still huge...."
Yin, "it's probably everything else"
Yang, "precisely what I was thinking"
Yin, "but, then again, an actualized humanity would be very powerful...i don't think it could happen without first casting off the shackles of institutionalized control, however."
Yang, "would evolution become static?"
Yin, "i don't think Bill Hicks states, if we weren't so busy watching 'American Gladiators' and blowing each other up, we could actually move towards exploring inner and outer space as a team, as a species"
Yang, "hmm...but would be, or is actualization saying we wouldn't feel the need to, because 'its all good, and it is just what it is.'"
Yin, "actualization for me is the state of bliss induced by creativity"
Yang, "hmm, actualization for me RESULTS in creativity"
Yin, " order to be creative you need to be actualized?"
Yang, "no can happen before or after but certainly when i feel the bliss of actualization, i'm it makes me feel productive in a creative sense"
Yin, "i feel as though if i'm not being creative, i'm not reaching my potential, and therefore not actualized"
Yang, "see when i feel i'm reaching that potential, i'm inspired to see what i can create from it...we are saying the same thing, we just differ on chicken or the egg...REALLY ITS ALL A CYCLE, like everything else"
Yin, "indeed...similar to music and mood, one affects the other, symbiotically, as does creativity/actualization"
Yang, "freedom/love"
Yin, "symbiosis, and i definitely appreciate when biological terms can be applied to philosophy"
Yang, "or the one i came up with "symbiOASIS...when two things are so symbiotic that its bliss"
Yin, "or maybe mutualism?"
Yang, "ooh i forgot that symbiosis has to do with DEPENDENCY...i don't like it my personal adaptation of the term, it doesn't fit..."
Yin, "so perhaps mutualism is a better term? i don't think dependency in these circumstances is necessarily a all biological systems are interdependent, so are philosophical ones..."
Yang, "but i used it in such a way to describe two INDEPENDENT people being can independence be dependent?"
Yin, "but think back to Alan Watts, 'The Book'"
and the ideas I had trouble allowing to agree in my they seem like contradictions...that you are alone in this world and your experience is completely your own and no one else could ever really know you or have your experience...but at the same time, we are all connected, which i've also seen and known to be true...
so my idea of symbiOASIS created by two INDEPENDENT things joins those two theories and perfectly depicts what i believe and shows how freedom can be a trap, independence can yield positive dependence, etc etc!!!
and then!
Yin says, "did you scroll down on the mutualism wiki page?? "The question how and why species might cooperate has also been addressed philosophically. Gilles Deleuze, for example, was interested in the way this questioned the conception of evolutionism and the notion of linear historical progress."
and then yin says "isn't it funny, too, that we're so concerned in creativity, but might consider ourselves to be 'evolutionists'...where the great "debate" of creation-evolution has existed all this time?"
and there again...why does it have to be one or the other when both so clearly need each other to exist but can't exist without being their own independent separate entities to begin with????
creativity <> evolution <> actualization <> potential <> independence <> interdependence <> [how the heck to i make an infinity symbol on the keyboard...i need it to reflect 1. the discussion's topic 2. the discussion itself 3. how i feel about my life and its endless possibility for exploration 4. life itself]
karma, energy in, energy out
..this is a story of found happiness...
Friday, November 23, 2007
19, maybe 20, braingasms
10:52 AM
Labels: balance, flow, philosophy, rewriting definitions, special, thinking and/or awareness
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