...is the opposite of cursed and unlucky for me.
One beautiful Friday the 13th in July a couple years back, I shared a first kiss with the now love of my life. I had to know if it was there, I had to know if he could be more than my best friend, and so...wow i was just sent into quite the stupor replaying the moment as I tried to decide what to write, gone for a few minutes, now I'm back...
Maybe we broke the bad luck usually associated with that day because it was an upside down kiss. Maybe that was the mystical key to unlocking the next 2 years and counting of unbelievable magic.
Maybe I'm luckier than I deserve, no, not maybe, I am.
And so, I plan to spend the rest of my life expressing my gratefulness to him and the universe.
He, who finds a way through every obstacle with me
He, who finds a way to create magic in every day living
He, who found a way into my heart
He, who found a way to stitch himself there in such a way that I could never stop loving him, even if I tried.
love ain't gunna let you down, no more..