"Now you just dig them in front. They have worries, they're counting the miles, they're thinking about where to sleep tonight, how much money for gas, the weather, how they'll get there-& all the time they'll get there anyway, you see. But they need to worry & betray time with urgencies false & otherwise, purely anxious & whiny, their souls really won't be at peace unless they can latch on to an established & proven worry & having once found it they assume facial expressions to fit & go with it, which is, you see, unhappiness, & all the time it all flies by them & they know it & that TOO worries them to no end."
..this is a story of found happiness...
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Friday the 13th...
love ain't gunna let you down, no more..
Sunday, October 4, 2009
bedridden mumblings
she rests upon a feather
a glint against the breeze
that softly gently lulls her
back into her dreams
the autumn here perfection
in sun in still in light
as summer rests its tired head
too quickly comes the night
but Father Time, while aged and wise,
he's no worse for the wear
there's no rest for the weary here
truths tangled in their hair
he transports awaited answers
minute hand holding mine
and gently softly guides me
to a peace of mind
like the chills that invade her spine
cold crisp winds whistle through
the window pane, the Rio Grande
fevered time peppered true
another dusty sunset highlights
all that she does now know
the seasons change so differently
without the caw of the crow
Labels: poetry
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
widening cracks
as our worlds widen, the ground splits. cracks our bound to appear in the foundation. its just whether we build bridges or not that makes the difference. how strong is this bridge?
Friday, September 25, 2009
in five years, i see myself five years older...
no, don't let it freak you out
just go with it
because if you don't go with it
it will just take you where it wants to be
which is cool too, if you have the time
'where do you see yourself in 5 years?' and 'what are your career goals?' seem to come up every day, and its silly really. talking to a friend last night, he had a great answer, 'i have no plans to stay and i have no plans to leave.' having no plans is what it should be all about. because once you think you have it all figured out, you are just asking to be proven wrong. in any situation. plans, while some people need the security of knowing WHERE they are going, are mostly limiting. what if my friend had plans to leave and a month before doing so, he is faced with a great opportunity? likely he will not view the same opportunity in the same light because he's 'on his way out,' likely the opportunity may not have presented itself to begin with because he's been busy planning his exit and looking to the future, no longer cultivating the same friendships, community bonds, and work bonds, no longer rooting himself to this place.
and while i feel uprooted and in limbo lately, i know it just means i'm staying OPEN to all the possibilities.
its like relationships and marriage...they represent plans as well. plans for a future, plans to stay loyal to this person. once you are in that spot, do you go out as often and meet new people? lets say you do, even...do you approach the new people you meet with the same openness, curiosity, sense of 'what if' and possibility? most people do not. and so you've closed yourself off to possibility. and i'm not saying possibility of meeting another mate, although that IS there, but even just the possibility of an intimate friendship, a deep rewarding bond, but now instead, there are social conventions blocking you from getting to know that person on such a level because it may be perceived the wrong way by your mate, their mate, outside parties, etc. And you assume they have nothing much to offer you since you've already found that 'person for you.' we're so inhibited by our plans and our decisions that we *think* are carved out, set in stone. burn your carvings. throw that stone into the ocean and watch it change form.
stay open.
plans usually limit you because plans are made by you; creations of only what you can imagine, and while some may dare to dream, most of us live in the realm of practicality and likelihood because its safer. you can't imagine something greater, something outside yourself, you don't imagine there are others as enlightening as those people that you've met and know at that moment. and you plan on a narrow foundation. not planning allows you to be open to a wider scope of probabilities, to all those things you thought could never happen, but somehow do (usually right around or after the time you think you've got it all figured out).
there's a quote on my wall that says 'dwell in possibility' and it doesn't mean to always be wanting something else or always be thinking about the future. at least not to me, to me it says, be open, be aware, that it is possible for anything to change at any time, for new doors to open, for old doors you thought would never shut to now be locked, you just never know.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Del McCoury: All Aboard
I can feel the wheels turning underneath my feet
As I pull the shade down on my window seat
Praying where I'm going is better than where I've been
Then a stranger sits down as if he's right at home
Touches me and says, I see you're traveling alone
And by the way, son, you forgot to say amen
He says, I guess there's something here I need to explain
I try to talk to everyone riding this train
Some of them listen, but most don't pay me no mind
And the train keeps rolling, and the world keeps turning
All aboard, all aboard, everybody's gotta get on board
Take that woman with the frown sitting across the aisle
With her briefcase open nigh on ninety miles
She never even noticed that lake back at Horseshoe Bend
And that couple with the kids at the front of the car
Fussing all the way about some cookie jar
I'm gonna ask them what they saw at their journeys end
And there's a fellow I left sitting in the back
Keeps a smile on his face through a paper sack
Looking out the window but he can't see past the pain
And the train keeps rollin', and the world keeps turnin'
All aboard, all aboard, everybody's gotta get on board
Then the train slows down unexpectedly
As I raise my blind he slaps my knee
Sayin', this is my stop son, but you won't be travelin' alone
I look out my window to wave him goodbye
But there's nobody there, just a light in the sky
I lose my breath and my blood runs cold as stone
Then I feel the wheels turnin' underneath my feet
But life looks different from my window seat
Knowin' where I'm going is better than where I've been
And the train keeps rollin', and the world keeps turnin'
All aboard, all aboard, everybody's gotta get on board
I can feel the wheels a turnin' underneath my feet
Labels: lyrics
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Girl on the Mountain
She is a serious girl, her kiss tells you why
She spins the wheel that rolls back the sky
She tells the tales
That make the dust cry
With wings on her feet and stars in her eyes
And I can hear her, hear her sing out my name
And there's a girl on a mountain, waiting there for me
And then the sad day came
When she said goodbye
The rust and the rain are all she left behind
Yes I can hear her
Hear her sing out my name
There's a girl on the mountain
Waiting there for me
There's a girl on the mountain
Where there's a song, on the breeze
Inside these four walls a hole to the devil the empire never ended
The black cat a shadow, alive on the ceiling, and there are no foot prints where I've been
Where I've beenTitle: Girl On The Mountain Author: Chris Robinson and Paul Stacey Artist: Chris Robinson and the New Earth Mud Album: This Magnificent Distance Debut: 10/07/03 Session: This Magnificent Distance Shows: 32 times played live
Labels: lyrics
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
have at it.
parenthetical on my mind
decisions are revisions
soft shouldered, deceitful time
is an obscured veiled vision
a new trail blazed through wood
away from those who victory blessed
away from those who stood
a girl stands lone
in the valleys of time
but with thorns of pride.
lavender laughter
lacerating languish
fairweather fumblings
fabricating anguish
the road but paved
with good intention
leads to a bridge
burning with apprehension.
the judge upon
his high throne sits
upon closer inspection
has been put out of his wits.
there is no wizard
there is no oz
all you have is all you have
is all you.
have at all.
Labels: poetry
Surgical Glove
Well you play guitar
With rusty strings
Well you find a use
For whatever they bring
Man you're so ESP
You're politely stoned
With your late night friends
You're never alone
Tell me when the stage goes dark
There's no where to hide
Just give em that bleeding heart
Sinking ships and dead end streets
Long good byes and dirty sheets
Empty bottles and forgotten song
And you've lost yourself
In your own gold mine
Can't find your way
Through the maze in your mind
Yea man you dug a hole
So you gave it a name
Well man you might still look young
But you're not the same
You can never go back
Cause you long left home
Do you ever want to know love?
Sinking ships and dead end streets
Long good byes and dirty sheets
Empty bottles and forgotten song
There's a hollow man
He lives in a cloud
He's got a hole in his arm
Yea it makes a lonely sound
Another stow away
Yea to a place in the sun
And by the time he gets there his job will be done
Only when the stage goes dark
There's no where to hide
Just give him that bleeding heart
Sinking ships and dead end streets
Long good byes and dirty sheets
Empty bottles forgotten songs
Pick your poison to each his own
Title: Surgical Glove
Author: Chris Robinson
Artist: Chris Robinson
Album: This Magnificent Distance
Debut: 06/20/04
Session: This Magnificent Distance
Shows: 2 times played live
Labels: lyrics
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Like a tumbleweed
Sing me a song like the wants of the river
Tell me a tale of the wolves
Make me a gift of arrow and quiver
Love me child of the moon
Bring me the bark from the burnt trees of Mayfair
Recite me ancient verse
Control the powers of wondrous color or unspeakable one word curse
Roll me like a tumbleweed in Eden
All the way home
Roll me like a tumbleweed in Eden
All the way home
Go ring the bells of solemn forewarning
Chew on the bitterest roots
Go throw your rope speak in split tongue charming
Go shine your pair of black boots
Roll me like a tumbleweed in Eden
All the way home
Roll me like a tumbleweed in Eden
All the way home
And there I'll stay
Lock me away until the day that you love me
So bring back the days of my emerald wanderings
Dream in a wide open sky
Never forget my drunken stumblings
And I'll see you in the by and by
Title: | Like A Tumbleweed in Eden |
Author: | Chris Robinson |
Artist: | Chris Robinson |
Album: | This Magnificent Distance |
Debut: | 02/10/03 |
Session: | This Magnificent Distance |
Shows: | 4 times played live |
Monday, August 31, 2009
"Reaching out, finding what’s within."
Where Songs Begin
Todd Sheaffer
Here we are, the place where songs begin.
Reaching out, finding what’s within.
Finding the way back again to the place where the songs begin.
Finding the way back again to the song that never ends.
Here I am, ten years down the road.
with all I’ve learned, still I just don’t know.
Finding the way back again to the place where the songs begin.
Finding the way back again to the song that never ends.
Salmon song, a journey just to die.
I’ve lost my fear, diving to the waves.
Finding the way back again to the place where the songs begin.
Finding the way back again to the song that never ends.
Mystery, feelings unexplained.
Patience, patience let the moment lead.
Listen, listen take a breath and breathe.
Faith and trust, the place where songs begin.
Labels: live music, lyrics
Thursday, August 27, 2009
ipod should get the heck out of my head...
the slew of songs that just came on my shuffle:
Labels: lyrics, poetry, self/change/growth, special
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Labels: poetry, self/change/growth, special, travel
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
july 13th, 2007
last night,
my fingertips laden with longing,
lingering and listening
wistfully wishing
memory glistening
of that magic first
that spark that ignited
pure and undeniable
as though reunited
true and unending
as though invincible
as though unquestionable
and truthfully? rather so...
my fingers sense all this
and the emptiness
of my bed
and my sides
to be next to you
is to be love.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
"ever gentle on my mind"
Thursday, June 25, 2009
more! more!
This image is from this photographer's site: http://www.chriscraymer.com/romance/
I want it never to end!
Labels: article/website, live music, love
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Weekend retreat in Edgewood
where are we headed?
The way in which appreciation of foundational knowledge is rapidly declining really has me worried. As a result of technology, we no longer feel the need to know how to SPELL (there's spellcheck since no one hand writes anything anymore) or ADD (there's calculators readily available everywhere, even on cell phones), or know ANYTHING really, since the great world wide web can give as all the information we could ever need. Before a test, a student actually said to me, "I don't understand why we have to know any of this by heart; I can always go look it up." In some school districts, they no longer teach geography of the United States(!!); they no longer teach basic rules of grammar (!!) (doubtful to spawn a generation of William Faulkners when the only complete set of vocabulary these children possess is the truncated form of the English language created from text and instant messaging).
Labels: education, thinking and/or awareness
Friday, June 12, 2009
pointillism of perfection
pain au chocolat melts upon the tongue,
exploding with dark chocolate
between buttery layers
croissants flake into submission
crepes cause my own surrender
'sushi love' satisfies like no other
blackberries burst upon my tongue
their juices matching the orchids in the open window
that are keeping watch over the grounds at Cité Universitaire
Sacré-Coeur surprises every time
its white cardboard cutout stands starkly against the blue sky
matching only the clouds in both color and awe
Rues Cler and Mouffetard charm as much as Montmartre
damp cobblestone
wine stained lips
a brooding Notre-Dame somehow warming
the cool night on the Seine
glorious gardens in which we practice parisian living
baguette? check. sacripants? check. crackers belin? check. bordeaux? check.
slowing of time? check.
bats' ("Fledermaus") frenzied flights
foreshadowing the american pop music adventure
of european student's singalong and sweat laden shimmying
Trocadéro the perfect platform
from which to be mesmerized by Gustave's glory
and captivated by love's miracle
the Louvre containing masterpieces
(and existing as its own)
the Orsay alive with Impressionists' entrapment of a moment and explosion of color
"seeking to capture a feeling or experience rather than to achieve accurate depiction"
i'm attempting this myself here...
gathering up the gazes...
collecting all the kisses...
unrelentless laughter and swirling smiles
speckled across two weeks of canvas
pointillism of a perfect love.
Renoir, Pissarro, Sisley, step aside
there's nothing you can create
that is more beautiful
than this.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
The Dying Animal by Philip Roth
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
awareness of...
- quotes (89)
- love (79)
- special (74)
- philosophy (70)
- books (67)
- thinking and/or awareness (58)
- travel (54)
- rewriting definitions (48)
- lyrics (45)
- celebrate life (42)
- self/change/growth (41)
- poetry (38)
- osho (37)
- aloneness/independence (36)
- freedom (36)
- article/website (32)
- herenow/justbe (31)
- education (28)
- authenticity/trueself (27)
- live music (26)
- flow (25)
- harmony/synchronicity (19)
- balance (14)
- detachment (11)
- meditate (11)
- links (1)
- photography (1)