..this is a story of found happiness...

Monday, November 24, 2008

detachment's subdue

wilted, the flower gave all its beauty

only to have its petals left to dry out
crumbled and crunched
like leaves in fall
and falls that leave
become something else
no longer recognizable
now cold and stark and quiet
the winter that keeps to itself
too cold to stop and chat
but the flower
now only a stem
looking dead
simply rather
rather simply
flowing with the season
southwestern colddried 
sorrowripped cracked
red dust filling in the space
where novelty's worn thin
pray home will fill in

Sunday, November 23, 2008


i am most certainly without purpose here

without family
without purpose

Monday, November 17, 2008


Plan:"A detailed proposal" for achievement, "decided on and arranged for in advance."
Both a noun and a verb.  To have a plan to plan.
Take an action to
Make an action.
Moving forward always.
For some its enough to have any plan.
For some it must be one of their own, 
not decided or influenced by their parents or significant other.
For others its too much to even think of a plan, let alone have one.

For me, purpose exists without plan.
Some of the best things in my life have happened to me
When things didn't go as planned
Or when there was no plan for it to happen

For some, plan exists without purpose.
For comfort, to have an answer when asked.
I need not answer to anyone but myself, this I know.
But right now, my self is asking, "What's your plan?"
My purposeless intentions
May need to be questioned
Will staying open
end up slamming doors?
"Once you attain a certain state, life gives you another goal.  The horizon goes on and on running in front of you, you never reach it, you are always on the way--always reaching, just reaching.  And if you understand that, then the whole tension of the mind disappears, because the tension is to seek a goal, to arrive somewhere...Life is not stagnant--it is flowing and flowing, and there is no other shore.  Once you understand this you start enjoying the journey itself.  Each step is a goal, and there is no goal...Then there is no tension because there is nowhere to go, so you cannot go astray."

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Hold you in my arms

When you kissed my lips with my mouth so full of questions
It's my worried mind that you quiet
Place your hands on my face
Close my eyes and say
Love is a poor man's food
Don't prophesize
I could hold you in my arms
I could hold you forever
I could hold you in my arms
I could hold you forever
-Ray LaMontagne